Yes I am talking about the "ape-man" and "proof" references. A "substantial insertion" did not occur. What happened is the correct reference was garbled and I cannot find it now! I have no reason to believe that the quote is wrong, but I have not bothered to look for it because it is a secondary source and not needed. I just quoted Osborn himself! Osborn referred to "Nebraska Man" as more than an "ape-man" but as a man-ape (stressing the man) and he did say that this 'discovery' was "proof that some primitive humans lived in America" in numerous places. One quote is from The Forum (Vol. 73 Je 1925 page 801) where he said Hesperopithecus was "irrefutable evidence that the man-apes wondered over from Asia into North America" I am sure I could find a dozed other quotes (and I noted several when glancing over my file of his articles) but it is getting late and I plan to do a whole paper on this (it is an example of what I have seen over and over)
I suppose I'll have to read your entire set of papers, but when Darwin spoke of "races" in this context he was certainly talking about what we today call "species". I don't know what he later wrote about race with respect to humans, (he wrote enough to cause big problems!!)but whatever he wrote, it is of little importance with respect to modern notions of evolution. (not true at all) The best one can say is that one could argue that Darwin's ideas might be used as a basis for racism -- not a very sparkling conclusion. (Much more than a basis) One could equally argue that the Bible is a basis for racism and slavery. History shows that plenty of self-proclaimed Christians have done exactly that. (Sure have!! And they should be called on the carpet for this!!) I need to send you my papers on this.
The point is that reducing a complex theory to a simplistic phrase like "evolution and racism are the same thing" is just as misleading and a misrepresentation of the facts as reducing Christianity to a simplistic phrase like "Christianity and human slavery are the same thing". Do you not agree? Yes and No. As I do more research my conclusion has become stronger! Simplistic phrases, though, can mislead
Just to keep our discussion absolutely clear, do you now agree with the statement, "Evolution and racism are the same thing"? Briefly, why or why not? Both deal with selection based on superior inferior concerns and judgments